Our Commitment:
Multiply impact with tech-driven empowerment.
We've created tech-driven solutions that can empower real-time associate decision making every day on the shop floor.
Not only impacting the eventual hundreds of thousands of customers with quality products but also internally with team success, operational efficiency and supply chain accuracy.

77% of the global workforce is actively disengaged*at work.
Why? They don’t feel empowered.
What Happens When Shop Floor Associates Aren't Empowered?
As manufacturing experts and data scientists, we’ve seen first-hand consequences when front line associates aren’t empowered to make daily decisions due to incomplete, confusing, inconsistent, or wrong data.
Not only does it increase their disengagement at work, it affects bottom lines of operations, human resources and financial teams.

Real-time Associate
Decisions Empower
For 5 years, Quantis.ai has powered front lines with POCKET FACTORY, delivering real-time data to drive better decisions. We expected improvements in team success, efficiency, and supply chain accuracy.
What surprised us was hearing how much it empowered associates—boosting their confidence, happiness, and energy. Leading us to create and prioritize a new business initiative to empower 1 billion people at work worldwide by 2050.

Ready to Empower Everyone?
We've successfully proven that the power of innovation can multiply daily decision making power of full shop floor teams by providing real-time, high quality data in the flow of work.
Now, we call upon beverage industry leaders to invest in innovations like POCKET FACTORY that can give leaders more peace-of-mind that the millions of decisions made annually by one team member are of the highest quality and velocity.
We’re ready to empower everyone with tech-driven innovation. Will you join us?

Proudly serving the world's most cherished & historic beverage brands with our 100+ years of experience.
We're ready to show you what smarter manufacturing looks like with data & predictive analytics that can deliver actionable insights through the power of IT, OT, IoT, IIoT and AI technologies. No matter the age, brand or type of beverage machine.